Hey there, Pie Face!

August 26, 2010

For those of you who were able to attend the 16th Annual Pro Ad Golf Tournament’s dinner reception, you were there to witness a moment in history. And if you weren’t, don’t worry…that’s what cameras are for.

Our “always willing to take one for the team” CEO, Todd Butler, (stupidly) agreed to let me smash a pie in his face if we were able to sell out the raffle.  With the help of 100 loyal (and eager to win) supporters who bought raffle tickets for their chance to win a Kodak All-In-One Printer, an overnight trip to Toronto, and brace yourself, an Apple iPad, we officially sold out the raffle by 2pm. And a lemon meringue pie was purchased from Wegmans at approximately 2:01.

This really is a must-see.

On a more serious note, a huge thank you to our 168 golfers, 200 dinner guests and over 50 sponsors and contributors for making this year’s golf tournament a day to remember. The Ad Council exists only in Rochester, only for Rochester. And you all make that possible.

Now excuse me while I head over to YouTube to relive one of the best moments of my life. Hey, how many of you have ever got to put a pie in your boss’s face?

We’ll see you again next year!

-Katelin Ryan
Community Outreach Manager/ Pie Thrower Extraordinaire